Wednesday 5 August 2009

Swine Flu – The Latest Figures

Over the past 7 days a number of new figures have been released. In the UK the number of reported swine flu cases has slowed, increasing by just 10% to 110,000. While a 150,000 doses of anti viral treatment were given out.

Around the world reports of a new strain of swine flu resistant to anti viral treatment have been cropping up. The new strain which is resistant to anti-viral drugs has now been reported in Mexico, America, Canada, Denmark, Hong Kong and Japan.

This comes after the world health organisation released figures that showed 300 out of the 338 people who died last week were Americans.

The virus continues spread around the globe with 168 countries now reporting cases and 1154 deaths confirmed.

1 comment:

  1. I find it intolerable the the gov has repeatedly suggested and ingrained in simpler minds that hand-washing (of no effect against an airborne virus), masks (virtually useless when they become moist) and the 2 vaccines (both untried, untested and both of which contain Squalene)are the only means of staying safe during this flu season.

    Oxygen Therapy is a proven methood of protecting your body against the invasion of Swine Flu. This is not just my opinion. This was proven as fact two weeks ago when doctors in Omaha, Nebraska saved the life of a little girl who was infected with Swine Flu. Watch the newscast from Omaha ( and learn exactly how they did it.
