Wednesday 29 July 2009

Pregnant Women to take tamiflu

Health officials in the US claim pregnant women should start antiviral treatment immediately if they show signs of swine flu. The claims come after analysis showed 13% of the people who have died from swine flu are pregnant women who had not been treated with antiviral drugs.

Even though the antiviral drug tamiflu is not recommended for pregnant women as effects on the unborn child are unknown experts say the risk of not taking the medication out ways the risk of unknown effects.

Throughout the pandemic pregnant women have been placed in the high risk category and are advised to seek medical advice from their local GP if they show signs of the wide spread virus.

Keep up to date with the latest swine flu developments, breaking news and advice from the NHS at:

Swine Flu


Tuesday 28 July 2009

Swine Flu in the UK

The swine flu pandemic is spreading rapidly around the globe, the UK is the worst hit country outside Mexico and America with over 100,000 reported cases and 31 deaths.

Last week the government launched a national flu pandemic service offering self diagnosis over the internet or via a swine flu help line. When the service went live it was receiving 2,600 hits a second, 5500 doses of antiviral treatment were given out in the first day.

Experts are predicting 1 in 3 could contract the virus in the UK equivalent to 18 million people, with a possible death toll of 65,000 over the winter months.

You can keep up to date with the latest developments, breaking news and advice from the NHS at

Swine Flu Britain