Tuesday 24 November 2009

UK Children in Vaccine Trials

Over the next 2 weeks 1000 children will be given the new swine flu vaccine in an attempt to work out which vaccine works best with the least side effects. Experts are predicting the swine flu vaccine will at most cause sore arms and a fever.

The testing comes just weeks before the government are set to launch the first phase of UK swine flu vaccinations. 11 million people have been identified as high risk and will be vaccinated with one of the new swine flu vaccines next month.

Around the UK reports of an increase in the number of swine flu cases continue to grow as children return to school. The UK hopes to limit the number of swine flu cases over the seasonal flu season by vaccinating people with the new swine flu vaccine.

Swine flu in the UK

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Swine Flu Vaccination Programme to go ahead

One of the swine flu vaccines order by the government has now been approved by the European drugs regulator. It seems plans to start vaccinating in October are on track and those in high risk groups and front line NHS staff will receive the first dose of the swine flu vaccine next month.

There has been wide spread uncertainty among the general public about the safety of the vaccine which has been fast tracked into production. It’s still unclear whether the government will choose to continue vaccinating the population after the high risk groups and front line health workers have been treated.

The government are now waiting for the swine flu vaccine to be licensed and delivered by the manufactures.

Swine Flu

Monday 2 November 2009

Swine Flu Strikes Back

The second wave of swine flu could have arrived as the number of swine flu cases has risen for the first time since July. Last week there were 5000 reported swine flu cases up from 3000 the week before. The death toll also rose last week to 79 an increase of 4 and 150 people were hospitalised. The increase in cases suggests an early return of the second wave of swine flu predicted for the winter.

Earlier in the year experts predicted as many as 65,000 could die over the winter if a second wave of swine flu was to hit. The number of case are still relatively low but as the winter draws in a second wave of the highly contagious virus seems to be on the cards.

Swine Flu in the UK