Monday 3 August 2009

Counterfeit Tamiflu

The antiviral drug ‘Tamiflu’ is a known counterfeited drug. In 2007 the UK seized half a million pounds worth of fake tamiflu and identified 18 online websites selling the drug. A major manufacturing operation was broke with 400kg of fake tamiflu confiscated, and 46 tons of raw material, though it was estimated 400kg had already been sold over the internet.

A channel 4 documentary highlighted just how easy counterfeit prescription drugs were finding their way into Britain and on occasion into main stream chemists. Many of the drugs looked identical to the originals and in some cases had been produced using industrial chemicals.

As fear over the wide spread swine flu pandemic increase there is a risk that the counterfeiters will try to take advantage of the situation. The public are advised not to purchase tamiflu online or through unregulated markets.

Identifying fake tamiflu…

• Tamiflu comes in a white cardboard box with the wording “Tamiflu® Oseltamivir 75mg” written clearly on the front with a green hexagon and the Roche logo. The right hand flap of the pack has an expiry date, batch number and, depending on the country, a manufactured date embossed into the pack. In addition the side of the pack has a distinctive logo.

• The box contains a single blister package containing 10 Tamiflu capsules, which are a distinct yellow and light grey colour. Each blister contains one capsule which can be seen through the transparent outer layer:

• Each blister is printed on the aluminium foil of the reverse side with Roche and the Roche hexagon, and the words “Tamiflu Oseltamivir 75mg”:

• The batch number and expiry date (in some countries also the manufacturing date) on the outside packaging should match the batch number and expiry date (and in some countries the manufacturing date) on the inner packaging:

• Each Tamiflu capsule is also printed with the words “Roche 75mg”.


More information at Swine Flu Britain

Sean Rushforth


  1. Hi,

    Tamiflu is the magic bullet for bird flu, however it may be useful only in some specific situations. For example, if you have been in close contact with someone who is infectious or work in a high risk occupation (e.g., health care worker). For current seasonal flu viruses it is quite effective, although whether it will have the same effectiveness for H5N1 is unknown.

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